ICE2024-International Congress of Entomology2024(第27回国際昆虫学会議) ICE2024-International Congress of Entomology2024(第27回国際昆虫学会議)

Women in Entomology

WIE logo WIE ロゴ

Oides bowringii with beautiful blue elytra is a rare insect found only in Kyoto and Hyogo Prefectures in Japan. Due to parthenogenesis, males have not been found in Japan.


Kadsura japonica is the staple food of Oides bowringii. It has been loved by the Japanese since ancient times and has been written in waka poems.
“Meeting again” and “opportunities” are the flower language of Kadsura japonica.

ビナンカズラはキベリハムシの主食です。 古くから日本人に愛され、和歌にも詠まれてきました。「再会」「縁」はサネカズラの花言葉です。

Women in Entomology Events イベント

We shall convene a luncheon seminar tailored for the participants of ICE2024, followed by a lecture coupled with a comprehensive panel discussion that extends an invitation not only to our attendees but also to the citizens at large.


Women in Entomology luncheon seminar (only for ICE2024 attendees) /

Date & Time / 日時 August 27 (Tue), 2024, 12:00PM-1:15PM / 2024年8月27日(火)12:00-13:15
Venue / 会場 Room E

Free lunch box for first 190 people / 先着190名様にお弁当を提供いたします

Akihisa Setoguchi 瀬戸口明久

Akihisa Setoguchi 瀬戸口明久 Associate Professor, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
京都大学人文科学研究所 准教授

Insect Collecting for Boys: Natural History and Gender in Japanese Popular Culture
Insect collecting is often regarded as a hobby among boys in contemporary Japan. This presentation will describe its origin in the natural history movement in twentieth-century popular culture. Insect collecting became popular in the early twentieth century, when juvenile magazines encouraged young readers to collect insects. In the 1930s, the study of natural history became an extensive popular movement, resulting in the establishment of many amateur naturalist societies. For example, Godō Nakanishi established the Nihon Yachō no kai (Wild Bird Society of Japan) in 1934, and Masayo Katō organized the Konchū shumi no kai (Insect Hobby Society) in 1932. Although there were many female members of the Wild Bird Society, there were very few girls in Katō’s Insect Hobby Society. This presentation will argue that the social context surrounding science made a significant difference in the gender balance among hobbyists of different varieties of natural history.

Women in Entomology lecture (Open to public) / WIE講演会(市民プログラム)

Date & Time / 日時 August 28 (Wed), 2024, 2:00PM-3:30PM / 2024年8月28日(水)14:00-15:30
Venue / 会場 Main Hall / メインホール

Lectures are delivered in English and Japanese simultaneously. / 講演は英語と日本語に同時通訳されます。

Women Researchers in Science and Entomology
According to data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, women account for less than 30% of researchers worldwide. Moreover, the proportion of female researchers in East Asian countries such as Japan and South Korea is notably low on a global scale. In order to reexamine the issues related to gender imbalance in academia, this session aims to shed light on the challenges. It will also introduce initiatives in East Asia and share the perspectives of young researchers from around the world. Through a panel discussion, the goal is to enhance the visibility of female researchers in the International Entomological Congress and encourage the development of a more balanced and inclusive academic landscape in the future.


Charlotte Payne

Charlotte L. R. Payne Senior Editor and Team Leader (Magazine), Nature Human Behaviour, Nature Research

The Time for Women in Science
Women - and particularly women from minoritized groups - are underrepresented in global science. This must change, and the time is now. Globally, we’re working fiercely towards SDG5 (gender equality), and determined to address the setbacks of the COVID-19 pandemic. Institutions have more resources and commitment towards diversity, equity and inclusion than ever before. But what about individuals? Women’s life cycles are socially and culturally shaped. Stereotypes and misogyny are common and pervasive. For many women, time is a scarce resource. If we seriously want to promote, support and keep women in science, we need to be mindful of time and timing.

女性 - 特に少数派のグループに属する女性 - は、世界の科学分野で過小評価されています。この状況を変える必要があり、今がその時です。私たちは、SDG5(ジェンダー平等)に向けて精力的に取り組んでおり、COVID-19パンデミックにより生じた停滞に対処する決意をしています。多くの機関は、これまで以上に多様性、平等性、包括性に対するリソースを持ち、コミットメントを示しています。しかし、個人についてはどうでしょうか?女性のライフサイクルは社会的および文化的に形成されています。ステレオタイプや女性嫌悪は一般的であり、蔓延しています。多くの女性にとって、時間は貴重な資源です。科学分野での女性の活躍を真剣に促進し、支援・維持するのであれば、時間とタイミングに配慮する必要があるでしょう。

Gabriela Caballero

Gabriela Caballero Postdoctoral researcher, The Sorbonne University
Member of the association for "Women in Sciences" in Paris, France

Bridging the Gap: Women in STEM in France
The under-representation of women in the STEM professions is a major problem. It deprives industry and academia of some potential talents needed to meet unprecedented challenges in the fields of environment, climate, and energy.
In France, women only account for 30% of researchers. Stereotypes, unattractive careers, sexual and gender-based violence, and the "glass ceiling" effect are today well-identified obstacles to the inclusivity of science and engineering, both in France and internationally, even if their relative importance may vary according to fields of study and regions of the world. To counter the effects of these obstacles, effective initiatives exist and deserve to be supported, if not generalized.

科学・技術・工学・数学(STEM)分野の専門職における女性の少なさは大きな問題です。産業界やアカデミアは、環境、気候、エネルギーの分野で前例のない課題に対処するために必要な潜在的な人材を奪っています。フランスでは、研究者に占める女性の割合は30%に過ぎません。ステレオタイプ、魅力のないキャリア、性的・ジェンダーに基づく暴力、そして "glass ceiling"(目では見えない障壁)効果は、研究分野や国や地域によって相対的な重要性が異なるとしても、フランスおよび国際的において、科学と工学の包括性に対する障害として今日よく認識されています。これらの障害の影響を打ち消すために、もし普及していないなら、効果的なイニシアチブを存続させ支援すべきです。

Yoshie Harada 原田慶恵

Yoshie Harada 原田慶恵 Professor, Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University
大阪大学 蛋白質研究所 教授

Women Researchers Paving the Way for Japan’s Future
In 2021, the percentage of female researchers in Japan was 17.5%, the lowest among OECD member countries. However, while male researchers are predominantly employed by private companies, a significant number of female researchers are affiliated with universities and public institutions, where their representation stands at a respectable 27.5%. Recently, many universities have been actively recruiting female researchers and promoting them to higher positions. These efforts have sparked diverse opinions. Nonetheless, I am confident that the increase in female researchers will broaden opportunities for collaborative research between male and female researchers. This collaboration will allow each to fully utilize their abilities, achieve results together, and pave the way for a future where both can thrive.


Panel Discussion / パネルディスカッション
Facilitator / ファシリテーター

Takahiro Shiotsuki 塩月孝博
Professor, Shimane University 島根大学 教授

Panellists / パネリスト Charlotte L. R. Payne
Gabriela Caballero
Yoshie Harada 原田慶恵

The registration site above is for the public who wish to attend this program.
Please note that ICE2024 participants do not have to register in advance.

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