ICE2024-International Congress of Entomology2024(第27回国際昆虫学会議) ICE2024-International Congress of Entomology2024(第27回国際昆虫学会議)


FAQs Category

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Q:Where is ICE2024's information?
A:Please check this page.


Q:When is the deadline for Early Bird Registration?
A:Early Bird Registration deadline was December 15 2023.December 20, 2023 (Wed)(5PM)Please check this page.
It is closed now.

Q:What is a "Developing country" in the Registration Fee category?
A:We follow the World Bank Criteria(2021) to define a developing country. The countries that can be registered as developing countries are "LOW-INCOME ECONOMIES ($1,085 OR LESS*)“ and "LOWER-MIDDLE INCOME ECONOMIES ($1,086 TO $4,255*)." Please visit the World Development Indicators(2021) to see the category of your country/region.
*GDP per capita

Q:In case if I’m the student when I register but I’m not student when I join the conference, is it allowed to register as a student under the student registration rate? Or does it have to reflect the status in the time of conference?
A:The category "Student" is for students at the time of registration.

Q:How can the accompany guest register?
A:When you have accompanying person with you, the accompanying person needs to register with a new account. When she/he registers, choose accompanying guest, and put the registration number and the name who she/he accompany with. The fee for the accompanying guest is JPY 31,200(Early Bird), JPY 37,700(Regular) and JPY 44,200(On-Site).

Q:How can I get the invoice/ receipt?
A:After you register, it is possible to download the invoice/receipt automatically from registration info. Please refer the picture for your reference.

Q:I cannot pay the fee by the credit card. Is there any way to pay the fee?
A:Individual support is also available. Please contact us by clicking "Contact us" button at the bottom of this page.

For researchers in Japan
個別対応が可能ですので、下記「Contact us」よりお問い合わせください。

Q:What is the cancellation policy of registration fee?
A:[Cancel Policy]
Registration details cannot be cancelled and refunded for any reason after payment has been made.

Call for Symposia

Q:When is the deadline to call for Scientific Symposia?
A:The deadline was June 16, 2023. It is closed now.

Q:Can a scientific convenor propose a symposium as an organizer?
A:Yes, a convenor CAN submit a symposium as an organizer to any scientific section, or rather it is very welcome! If it is submitted to the section in which he/she is the convenor, it will be reviewed by another convenor for a fair evaluation.

Q:Can a single person be the organizer (or the co-organizer) of two or more separate symposia?
A:Yes. There is no rule about the number of symposia organized by a person. But we would ask you not to be the principal organizers in some symposia. It may impose restrictions on the program because the organizer or one of the co-organizers will chair the symposium.

Q:Can a single person have more than one presentation in ICE2024?
A:One participant can have only ONE oral or poster presentation in ICE2024. Please check this page.
However, the plenary presentations, talk in Women in Entomology and citizen programs are exceptions.

Q:What should I do after the acceptance of the symposium?
A:Please check the Schedules for Symposium Organizers page.

Call for Paper

Q:When did it start to call for papers?
A:It started from September 1 to December 15 2023. December 20, 2023 (Wed)

Q:How many times can I submit the paper? When is the adoption period?
A:You can submit your paper only once. Decision of the symposium/section is during December 16, 2023 - April 30, 2024.

Q:Where the papers submitted will be published?
A:We are planning to hand out the program book for ICE2024 during the days of conference.

Q:When can I receive the acceptance for abstract submission?
A:The acceptance is planned to be sent out to all at once in April 2024.

Organizers & Session Chairs

Q:How should the chairperson handle empty slots in the case of accidental cancellations by speakers?
A:Organizer can use that time for a general discussion, a mini-break to adjust the program delay, and so on, but NOT CHANGE THE TIME OF OTHER PRESENTATIONS.
To allow the audience to move efficiently between multiple symposia, please ensure that all lectures start on time at any given venue.


Q:When will it start to call for Exhibitors and Sponsors?
A:The application is already started. The application deadline is shown this page.

Q:Is there a nursery room?
A:The fee varies depending on the number of users; around 3,000JPY to 5,000JPY per day. We will show detail information later.

Q:Are the congress venue and accommodations accessible by wheelchair?
A:Yes. All facilities associated with the congress venue and accommodations are wheelchair friendly.
Accessibility of the congress venue:
Accessibility of accommodations:
The all following hotels have 1 or 2 rooms suitable for wheelchair users, and are easily accessible by subway.
Kokusaikaikan Station is the closest station to the venue.
Kyoto Yamashina Hotel Sanraku
Mitsui Garden Hotel Kyoto Sanjo
sequence KYOTO GOJO
Hotel Honno-ji

Q:Is there any scholarship or accommodation exemption?
A:We are sorry that there is neither scholarship nor accommodation exemption to support low-income academics.

Q:Is there any discount for the accommodation? How can I reserve?
A:There is no discount for the accommodation. Each participants need to reserve by themselves. The list of recommended accommodations and prices will be updated on our website when the conference date gets closer.


Q: I didn’t get notification of acceptation.
A: Notification of acceptation was sent to all the abstract registrars on April 24th. Please refer to the following URL for detailed programs.
Tentative timetable
Overview of program

* If you did not get notification of acceptation, you may have registered different email address when you registered for the congress. Please let us know about it with the following online form.
Inquiry form

Q: How to bring presentation data to the venue?
A: Please submit your presentation data at preview room on the date.
If you bring your PC to the site, please check your presentation data in the room.

Q: Is it possible to modify my abstract?
A: We cannot accept any changes of
1: title
2: abstract
3: presentation date & time
4: accepted symposium

If you are not available on the date of your accepted symposium, we accept speaker change or withdrawal until May 24th, 2024 (JST). We cannot accept any changes after the due date without exceptions.

Q: I’m speaker but I finally cannot participate in the congress.
A: If you are not available on the date of your accepted symposium, we accept speaker change or withdrawal until May 24th, 2024 (JST). We cannot accept any changes after the due date without exceptions.

Q: How can I get visa?
A: Please refer to the following URL for details and application.
Visa application

Q: Are there any services for childcare during the congress?
A: Please refer to the following URL for details and application.
Childcare services

Q: How can I participate in the Gala dinner?
A: Please refer to the following URL for details and application.
Gala dinner

Q: Are there any excursion during the congress?
A: Please refer to the following URL for details and application.
Tour for accompanying persons

Q: I have more questions regarding my presentation.
A: Please access to the following online form for questions.
Inquiry form

Before making an inquiry, please check above FAQs.
Please contact us by clicking the button below and sending inquiries through inquiry form.

         Contact us

The Management Office will be on holiday from 27th April to 6th May (Japan time), so replies will be made from 7th May.
Sorry for your inconvenience.


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