ICE2024-International Congress of Entomology2024(第27回国際昆虫学会議) ICE2024-International Congress of Entomology2024(第27回国際昆虫学会議)

Presentation Awards and Voting Instructions

Winners of Presentation Awards

Winners are listed below. Winners will receive a certificate in the PDF format mid-September via email.

Presentation Award for Young Scientists /for Women Scientists

XXVII International Congress of Entomology (ICE2024Kyoto) has established the Presentation Awards for Young Scientists (hereinafter referred to as “PAYS”) and for Women Scientist (hereinafter referred to as “PAWS”) to encourage to pursue their academic and technical research and support their international activities.

Approximately top 10% of the entries in each category will be awarded by voting of the participants.

Voting Rights and Procedure

All ICE2024 participants excluding accompany guests have the right to vote. You select two outstanding presentations each from the categories of oral-PAYS, oral-PAWS, poster-PAYS, and poster PAWS based on overall judgment of the research, the clarity of the presentation materials, and the quality of the explanations.

Voting Instructions

  1. Go to the oral presentations and visit the posters.
  2. Select and vote Oral for 2 PAYS and 2 PAWS.
  3. Select and vote Poster for 2 PAYS and 2 PAWS.
  4. You can change your votes until the deadlines.

Voting Deadline

August 30th (Fri.)
02:00 PM for poster presentations
04:00 PM for oral presentations

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